Posts tagged January tips
January 2021

After the tribulations of 2020 we are all entering into 2021 with a mixture of hope and caution. The garden at this time of year perfectly reflects this sometimes contradictory combination. January often has the worst weather of the year and the days are still cripplingly short in this part of the world. But the light is slowly - very slowly - stretching out the days and by the end of the month I can still see to garden at 5pm whereas in the middle of December there is not much much light past 4 o clock on a cloudy afternoon.

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January 2020

Whereas I have a real sense in November and December of the year folding in on itself and the garden at best retreating but more often cowering from the lack of light, January always brings with it a slow unfurling. There may be – there usually is – snow and ice to come but that is a temporary inconvenience. The progression is unstoppably forward. But gently.

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